It has come to the notice of Volkswagen Passenger Cars, a division of Skoda Auto Volkswagen India Private Limited (“Volkswagen”) that some unscrupulous persons / fake entities have created inauthentic website with domain names "", "" and "" deceptively similar to Volkswagen's official website, intending to mislead investors / general public at large.
Such fraudulent persons / fake entities are also making fake calls/sending fake emails via "" and reaching out to certain individuals / companies providing reference of Volkswagen Dealer Development Team, posing as employees of Volkswagen, and informing interested person / parties to transfer money for buying Volkswagen Dealership.
General Public at large is hereby cautioned not to fall prey to such fraudulent websites and only rely on the information provided on Volkswagen’s official website - We request the members of the public not to react or respond to such calls/emails as Volkswagen never promotes such calls and practices.
Any transactions entered into by any individuals / companies with such unauthorised persons, shall purely be at their own risk and Volkswagen shall not be liable to such individual / companies, for any such transactions or losses suffered.
It is thereby advised to public at large NOT to act on any such emails / calls and beware of such fraudulent persons. You may also pass on this information to acquaintances who may have received such emails.